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Karalis Construction believes that the health and safety of our customers and our team is of utmost importance. During this difficult time, we have adopted the CDC’s recommendations in dealing with the COVID-19 virus, in order to protect everyone in our communities. Below are some of the guidelines that we’ve put into place:


  • The number of personnel at the job site is limited to fewer than five at any and all times.

  • All employees are required to take their temperature before coming to work.

  • Before entering the job site, everyone is required to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer.

  • Face masks are required.

  • 6’ of social distancing is required at all times.

  • Door knobs, shared hand tools, and other implements that are touched frequently are cleaned frequently.

  • Portable toilets are disinfected multiple times each day.

  • All subcontractors are required to agree to our safety protocol before being allowed on site.


We hope this information will help alleviate some concerns you might have regarding the pandemic, and we are grateful for your support at this time!


Please contact us with any questions or concerns!


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